Get ready to create your version of a good life.
Power to You supports you with the information you need to live your good life.

Power to You can help you:

Uncover what your version of a good life looks like

With resources that will help you to create the life YOU choose

The roles you have or want in your personal life, community, and work

Understand your rights
The importance of inclusion, participation and privacy

Get started today
Power to You
Power to You offers:
- An e-learning program for adults with disability and their supporters
- Facilitated group sessions for families, carers & supporters
- Peer-led group events for people with intellectual disability
Get started today:
- Register for the Power to You learning program
- Read through the How to Use This Course section
- Get started with module one
Program summary
Free download
Register to download our free Power to You program summary. You will meet the program designers, read about the critical components of each learning module and have access to some of the excellent program resources.
Once we receive your registration, we will send you an email that includes the program summary.

We never use a one-size-fits-all approach. You know how to live your best life – ‘Power to You’ can support you to do just that.

Live the life you choose

Increase your independence

Have the confidence to speak up for what you want

Participate in your community

Power To You is funded by an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Grant from the Australian Government, Department of Social Services and proudly delivered by Aruma.
Our Purpose is why we exist. It’s what brings us joy and what will keep us going both now and into the future.
“Supporting people with a disability to live a great life, the life they want, the life they choose”
Aruma is a disability service provider. But we’re so much more. We’re the helper, mentor and coach. And the trusted partner of around 5000 people with a disability throughout the east coast of Australia.

Follow Power to You to register for upcoming events.
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Contact us
We would love to hear your feedback!
Get in touch with us if you have any questions or wish to provide feedback.