How to log into Power To You.

We want this forum to support you and your family to plan for the future, advocate for the needs of your loved one with disability and build a community of people to support them.
Power to You aims to ensure that young adults with disability are equipped with the knowledge to speak up for themselves and work toward their goals.
Power to You will build knowledge, skills, confidence, motivation and participation through a series of e-learning modules and resources.
Power to You is designed in collaboration with people with disability for an accessible e-learning experience.
Program summary
Free download
Register to download our free Power to You program summary. You will meet the program designers, read about the critical components of each learning module and have access to some of the excellent program resources.
Once we receive your registration, we will send you an email that includes the program summary.

Contact us
We would love to hear your feedback!
Get in touch with us if you have any questions or wish to provide feedback.